Saturday, June 9, 2012

Second Day Finished!

Good evening everybody!

Whew, we made it through the second day of the vascular conference! I apologize for the delay in posting the notes from today and yesterday's conference sessions. I think the 35th Anniversary Reception last night took my blogging energy from me for the past 24 hours. However, now that the conference has ended I have gathered all of my notes for everyone to catch up on.

Friday June 9th: Day Two

Quality vs efficiency: Is There A Balance We Can Live With?

George Berdejo, keynote speaker, gave a very motivating speech involving the aspects of choosing quality over efficiency in the work place. He stressed that value is a part of the productivity equation. Value is a quality you must define yourself.
The key to transforming the workplace:
Get as many people as possible in your organization involved in satisfying the customer. Review the organizational chart with a fresh eye, determine whether the way you are organized achieves this important goal.
You have to reveal exactly what needs to be done before you can expect to see it happen.
Seven “Must” Haves to Transform Work place:
1.       Organize around the customer’s needs, not around products and services

2.       Define the experiences & relationships you are seeking

3.       Search for people who can deliver such experiences to the target customers.

4.       Provide the right training, tools, empowerment to allow people to deliver the defined experience.

5.       Define the performance evaluation and compensation plan to reflect the newly defined goals, then make sure to execute them!

6.       Create a call center and connect with the customer in an effort to gain customer insight and loyalty.

7.       Remove any procedure that conflicts with the customer-centric organization; streamline your processes.
Something to think about:

As a manager or leader, do you let your people assume more responsibility when they are able? Do you know when that is, or do you keep telling yourself that they aren’t ready yet?
Vision without execution is a hallucination.
Six Core education drivers:
1.       Clarity
2.       Commitment
3.       Translation
4.       Enabling
5.       Synergy
6.       Accountability

Congrats to the winner of the 2012 SVU Fellow Award: Philip Bendick, PhD RVT


SVU Goals:
-          Introduce the Student Physician membership
-          Three Pillars to Focus on: Advocacy, Products & Services, Education
-          Incorporate more student focused events to gain more youth in the membership numbers
Steve Haracznak, SVU Executive Director, announced his retirement at the end of this year. Following the announcement Steve was given a more than well deserved standing ovation by all of the conference attendees as a thanks for the time he has given the organization. You are truly going to be missed!!!

There are a little over 400 attendees to this year’s conference.
There were seven scholarships given out to attending students. Congrats to those students!
At the end of the day one major point stuck out in my mind. During the SVU Townhall Meeting, Patricia spoke on ultrasound student involvement in the SVU. It was mentioned how important it was to get students involved for the future success and how much it was appreciated that we were present at the conference. I won't lie, I sat there thinking the complete opposite. From discount membership fees to cheaper rates to attend the AC, the SVU offers students more then ample opportunities to be involved without draining our already empty bank accounts. As a student myself, this conference was more than I could imagine. I expected to show up and not be able to follow all of the topics that would be presented, or feel lost in the chaos of the professional world. Instead I was proud to feel like I kept up with most, not all, of the presentations. Everyone was more than helpful in guiding the students along the way and providing guidance in terms of our futures. So on behalf on the students who are able to take part in the SVU organization and conference, THANK YOU! We owe our ability to attend and be a part of this amazing organization to your dedication to making us capable of doing so. I have no doubt that it is not always expressed, but I guarantee it is appreciated by all of us!
Hot Topic: Appropriate Indications for Vascular Studies
-          2012 there will be testing criteria released for Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound and Physiological Testing; SVU is present at the meetings for determining the criteria.

-          Impact: Improve and aid physician decision making, improve healthcare delivery, improve reimbursement policy, research needs

Taking our own shot at where all the action happens!


Quantifying Flow Volumes in AV Access with Steal: A Predictor?
-          Compression used,  viewed the waveform to confirm steal (reversal of flow)
Is Contrast Ultrasound the Endograft Imaging Modality of the future?
-          Compared with color Doppler US, contrast, and CT

-          Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound found 14 endoleaks
o   Increased endoleak detection
o   Improved visualization
o   Accurate measurement

-          Was found to be superior to Color Doppler Ultrasound and CTA for low flow endoleak detection
Accuracy of Duplex Ultrasound to Evaluate Renal Malperfusion Syndromes and Late Renal Outcomes on Aortic Dissection
-          Malperfusion to aortic branch vessels occurs in 20-40% of patients

-          No universally accepted treatment exist for therapy of renal malperfusion syndromes

-          Ct vs. Duplex

o   CT provides static imaging to help visualize dissection flap and visceral involvement
o   Potentially harmful to malperfused kindey
o   Cannot access adequacy of flow
o   Duplex provides real time assessment of flow velocities

-          Ultrasound has technical limitations in 40% of patients due to inability to visualize aorta or proximal renal artery

-          Dissection seen in 76% of patients

-          Proximal renal and aortic findings were not sensitive to predicting malperfusion.
Virtual Guidance Ultrasound: A Tool to Obtain Diagnostic Ultrasound for Remote Environments
-          Ultrasound in Space?
o   Smaller footprint
o   Decreased Cost

-          GE Vivid Q system currently used in the international space system
-          Remote Guidance: Real time two way communication between sonographer/mission control to the inexperience astronaut scanner.
          o  25 minute communication delay between two stations
-          Virtual Guidance provides a tutorial that can  provide on-site instructions
o   Introduction, Probe Placement, Protocol, Overcoming objectives/problems that may come up during the scan
-          8 out of 10 inexperienced sonographers obtained diagnostic images with nothing but the tutorial! 
          o This is somewhat scary to think that someone can pick up the knowledge so quickly, but realistically how much would the person know to do once a pathology presented itself? Just something to think about...
-          Provides ability to produce an ultrasound scan for the inexperienced person who may be in an emergency or area without communication.
Hydrostatic Pressure Augmentations for Non-Invasive Pressure Measurements in Ischemic Limbs
-          Severely impaired perfusion = lack of signal.
-          Hydrostatic pressure increase will boost the amplitude of the signal

Screening and Point of Service Exam
-          Screening exams: Covered by insurance plans with medicare but are not being used
-          Gives us an opportunity to catch the disease process before it progresses too far and costs more to treat at the time it is finally caught
-          Screening fairs and companies travel to various location and offer screening exams
o   Vascular: PAD, AAA, carotid

-          Increases patient knowledge and health care

-          Planning your own screening fair:
         o  Follow the 5 P’s: Product, place, price, promotion, position

-          Screening can create disturbance with primary care who does not know the procedure is being down. Patient arrives with the test results but has no idea that test was going to be performed.
o   Require PCP involvement to avoid this, ask patients to give a PCP
o   Requiring them to may deflect patients without insurance to take part, deprives them of valuable knowledge that they could have without insurance
o   Can receive a list of providers from a hospital, assign one to patient when registering. If screening results in a positive test finding this gives a patient the option to have someone to report to.
-          Screening in a hospital can help bring patients into the hospital and increase patient capacity by introducing them to the technology, environment, and services offered
o   Screening fee breaks even with test costing. But hospital can receive a 6 figure return from patients who begin visiting the hospital for regular care afterwards.
-          Patient Education must be communicated properly to each patient
o   Risk and Process, Explain procedure, results, follow up
-          Point of Service
o   ER Docs, Surgeons, Interventionalist

Michael Schwebler, Kristen, Mindy, and Kathy Ziegler


The SVU held a session specifically targeted at the ultrasound students attending the conference. Representatives from ARDMS and CCI were present to discuss board exam procedures and testing. There were also other topics discuessed including helpful tips on how to behave in the clincal sites and during job interviews. I have no doubt that they were able to give some helpful knowledge to all of the attending students who are full of questions at this stage in the process.

The Board of Experts that took the time to address student concerns and comments.


The night ended with the 35th Anniversary Reception. Everyone enjoyed great food and drinks, conversation amongst fellow members, raffle give aways, and of course...hours of dancing. All I can say is, if you missed this party then you missed one heck of a good time! Here are just a few snapshots of the fun that ensued throughout the evening:

Who doesn't love being crowned!?

This group right here gets the credit for getting the dancing started. Well done ladies!

A little Cupid Shuffle anybody?

Steve and the bloggers!

We love Rock N' Roll...?


Dance circle dance off. I think everyone brought their A game to this one...

We love Bridgette! So nice to see a familiar face at the conference. Bridgette taught our Abdominal Sonography class during our first fall semester!

Thank you Judi Green for getting us involved in this year's SVU AC!

And then there was one....(kidding, of course)

Well there it all is everyone. I hope you all enjoyed yourself at the party. From what I saw, it seemed like everyone surely did! If I posted a picture that you may not like yourself in, I sincerely apologize. However, I have faith that you will forgive this blogger by the time next year's conference rolls around when you will see me again.

Until next time,
- Kristen

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