Saturday, June 2, 2012

Thursday June 7th - Final Program Schedule

Good evening everyone! I hope everyone is ready for a busy first day of the 2012 SVU Annual Conference.

Please keep in mind that there are three options for lunch during the Conference days:
  1. Boxed Lunch in the Exhibit Hall (Seperate fee required on AC Registration form)
  2. Lunch with the Experts (Seperate fee required on AC Registration form)
  3. Lunch on your own at The Gaylord Resort or nearby restaurants in National Harbor
Here is the schedule for Thursday June 7th:

  • Separate Registration and $10 per tutorial fee required for each tutorial on SVU AC Registration Form
  • Continental Breakfast in each tutorial room
  • Tutorial #1: Options for Examining the Technically Challenging Patient
    • Moderator:
      • Ann Marie Kupinski, PhD RVT RDMS FSVU
      • Steve Knight, BSc RVT RDCSStudent
    • Location: National Harbor 2
  • Tutorial #2: Strategies for Developed Structured Reporting
    • Moderator:
      • Michael Schwebler, MBA RVT FSVU
      • Kathy Ziegler, AS RVT
      • Paula Walsh, MM RDCS RDMS RVT
    • Location: National Harbor 3
  • Tutorial #3: Common and Uncommon Anatomic Variants
    • Moderator:
      • Lee Nix, BSN RN RVT FSVU
      • Shaun Stickley, MD
    • Location: National Harbor 4
  • Tutorial #4: Fundamentals of Transcranial Doppler Imaging
    • Moderator:
      • Stephanie Wilson, BS RDMS RVT
    • Location: National Harbor 5

  • Coffee Break
    • Location: Maryland 1-3

SVU GENERAL SESSION                             LOCATION: MARYLAND B/4-6

  • Welcome and Opening Announcements
    • Patricia “Tish” Poe, BA RVT RDCS FSVU
    • Annual Conference Program Committee Chair

  • Meet the 2012 SVU Annual Election Candidates
    • Patricia “Tish” Poe, BA RVT RDCS FSVU
    • Chair, Nominations Subcommittee
    • SVU Voting Booth open at all times at SVU Registration Counter for online voting
  • Keynote: “Moving Your Professional Life Forward”
    • Anne Jones, RN BSN RVT RDMS FSVU
    • Introduction by SVU President Debbie Pirt, RVT FSVU

  • 2012 SVU Professional Achievement and Service Awards Presentations
    • Awards Subcommittee

Invited Speaker Session
  • Arterial Physiologic Testing: Essential Concepts
  • Sponsored by Parks Medical Electronics
    • Moderator: Steven Leers, MD RVT
      • Translating Audible Doppler: Auditory to Visual Information—Kirk Beach, PhD MD, presented by R. Eugene Zierler, MD
      • Pressure Measurements: What’s Right, What’s Wrong?—Terry Needham, RVT FSVU
      • Phlethysmography—Clem Darling, MD
      • Exercise Testing: When To Do It—Phillip Bendick, PhD RVT
      • Panel Discussion—All Faculty

  • Poster Session
    • Moderator: Bill Schroedter, BS RVT RPhS FSVU
    • Maryland 1-3

  • D.E. Strandness, MD, Scientific Session
    • Moderator: Barton Bean, RVT FSVU
    • Location: Maryland B/4-6
      • Longitudinal Changes in Size and Composition of Carotid Artery Plaques using Ultrasound: Inter- and intra-observer Variability—Gudlaug Bjornsdottir, BSC
      • Lower Extremity Fibromuscular Dysplasia Manifests Primarily in the External Iliac Arteries and Can be Diagnosed Using Duplex Ultrasound— Sridevi Durga, MD
      • Early Stages of Chronic Venous Valvular Insufficiency: Anterior and Posterior Accessory Saphenous Veins—Ana Luiza DV Engelhorn, MD MS
      • Impact of a Structured Duplex Ultrasound Hemodialysis Access Surveillance Program on Access Intervention—Sanjoy Kundu, MD
      • Comparison of In-Vivo Arteriovenous Fistula Volume Flow Measurements Using a Transonic Transit Time Ultrasound Flow Device and Doppler Ultrasound—William B. Schroedter, BS RVT RPhS FSVU
      • Q&A Session
  • Box Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
    • Separate fee required on SVU AC Registration Form
    • Location: Halls A-C, Level 1
  • Lunch with the Experts
    • Sponsored by ARDMS
    • Separate fee required on SVU AC Registration Form
    • “Duplex Guided Interventions” Kelly Byrnes, BS RVT and Josh Cruz, RVT
    • Location: National Harbor 2
Invited Speaker Session
  • Cerebrovascular Hot Topics
  • Sponsored by GE Healthcare
    • Moderator: Jean Primozich, RVT FSVU
      • Synthesis of Criteria Submitted to ICAVL—Marge Hutchisson, RDCS RVT
      • Transcranial Doppler: Techniques and Whose Role is It?—Zsolt Garami, MD
      • Volume Imaging: New Approach to Carotid Plaque Assessment—Henrik Sillesen, MD DMSC
      • Post Carotid Intervention Assessment Criteria: Should it be Changed? - Ali F. AbuRahma, MD FACS FRCS
      • Panel Discussion—All Faculty
  • D.E. Strandness, MD, Scientific Award Presentation
  • Awards Subcommittee
  • Case Studies Session
    • Co-Moderators: Jean White, RVT RPhS and Bill Schroedter, BS RVT FSVU
      • Popliteal Artery Pseudoaneurysm Follow Arthroscopic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair in a Patient with Deep Vein Thrombosis—Robert Atwood, BS
      • Proximal Occlusion or Intracranial String Sign?—Lance Boland, BS RVT
      • The Hidden Floating Popliteal Artery Thrombus—Carmel Celestin, MD RPVI
      • Duplex Diagnosis of Iatrogenic Stenosis of the Profunda Femoris from a Superficial Femoral Artery Sten—Joshua Cruz, RVT
      • Bullet Embolus to Peripheral Artery Case Report—Domingos de Morais, Jr., MD PhD
      • Unilateral Early Systolic Deceleration Associated with Lower Extremity Arterial Insufficiency Post Type-A Aortic Dissection Repair—Josh Lee, BS RVT
      • Vascular Ultrasound Diagnosis of Concurrent Femoral and Popliteal Venous Aneurysms—Sean Marco, BS (med student)
      • May-Thurner Like Syndrome Resulting from EVAR—Amrita S. Pandit, MD
      • Diagnosis of Aortocaval Fistula by Duplex Imaging—Jeanne Patton, RVT
      • Expect the Unexpected: An Incidental Finding of Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma—John Rebello, RDMS RVT
      • Right Lower Quadrant/Midline Varicose Vein in the Presence of Mediastinal Malignancy—Brian Schnoor, BS RVT
      • Q&A Session
  • Combined VAM Opening Night Reception
    • Separate fee, registration required on SVU AC Registration Form
    • Location: Exhibit Halls A-C

Until Next Time,

- Kristen

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