Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Farewell for now!

Good evening everybody! I am assuming that by this point all of you are back in your routine of the vascular world. Hopefully ya'll aren't missing National Harbor too much just yet!

Mindy and I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your kind words and support with the blog. We really enjoyed doing our part to help all of you enjoy the Annual Conference. For the two of us, National Harbor is a part of our home that we can visit whenever we please. However, after this past weekend the harbor holds a very dear place in my heart. The conference was more than I expected it to be. Attending as a student, all of the advice and guidance for a promising future was greatly appreciated! For all of you that were able to pick us out of the crowd to say hello, it was an absolute pleasure meeting you. We really had no idea who, if anyone at all, was following the blog. All of the positive feedback made it more than worthwhile.

We would especially like to extend a big thank you to Steve Haracznak. I think I speak for both Mindy and myself when I say we cannot thank you enough for this opportunity! Our jobs to help out the SVU went from volunteering to stuff the attendee bags, to helping take tickets in the morning, to being invited to be the official bloggers of the SVU Conference. I don't think we knew exactly what we were getting into when we said yes. But I am so glad that we did. You have given us an experience that will never be forgotten. We appreciated your constant support with our blogging efforts. It was unfortunate to hear that this would be your last conference, but I hope retirement treats you well! After seeing your dedication and passion for the SVU, I know they are going to be missing out on having an amazing person a part of their team. It was an honor being able to work with you at this year's conference. We wish you nothing but the best!

Oh and before I leave here is one last treat from the 35th Anniversary Reception, get it SVU!

Once again, it was a pleasure! We will be seeing everyone next year at the 2013 SVU Annual Conference in San Francisco!!!

Until then,

- Kristen

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