Monday, June 4, 2012

Schedule for Friday

Good evening everyone! 

      We are getting really close to the beginning of the SVU Conference, just 2 more days to go!  Kristen has kindly posted the detailed schedules for Wednesday and Thursday on the prior blogs. Here is a detailed schedule for Friday. Hope that these blogs can help better plan your days. 


SVU Annual Conference Registration


SVU Technical Showcase
Industry/Company Highlights

Moderator: Julia Dmitrieva, MPA RDMS RVT RDCS
Sponsored by:
  • Consensus Medical Systems, Inc.
  • GE Healthcare
  • D.E. Hokanson, Inc.
  • MedStreaming
  • Philips Healthcare
  • Supersonic Imagine
  • Unetixs Vascular



Quality vs. Efficiency: Is There a Balance We Can Live With?

Keynote Speaker: George Berdejo, BA RVT FSVU

SVU Town Hall Meeting: State of the Society

SVU President Debbie Pirt, RVT FSVU
SVU Executive Director Steve Haracznak, BA
  • Hot Topic: Appropriate Indications for Vascular Studies - David Parlato, BA RVT FSVU
  • Announcement of 2012 SVU Fellows -
    David Parlato, Chair, Fellows Subcommittee

Break/Exhibit Hall


Alex Chao, MD, Young Investigator Scientific Presentations

Moderator: R. Eugene Zierler, MD
  • Quantifying Flow Volumes in AV Access with Steal: A Predictor? - Charudatta Bavare, MD MPH
  • Is Contrast Ultrasound the Endograft Imaging Modality of the Future? - Rayshelle G. Finch
  • Accuracy of Duplex Ultrasound to Evaluate Renal Malperfusion Syndromes and late Renal Outcomes on Aortic Dissection - Timothy K. Williams, MD
  • Q&A Session

Oral Clinical Presentations

Moderator: R. Eugene Zierler, MD
  • Virtual Guidance Ultrasound: A Tool to Obtain Diagnostic Ultrasound for Remote Environments - Timothy L. Caine
  • Hydrostatic Pressure Augmentation for Noninvasive Pressure Measurements in Ischemic Limbs - Steven J. Knight, BSc RVT RDCS
  • Duplex Ultrasound Findings in Intravenous Drug Users with Femoral Vein Injection - Watson B. Smith, BA RDMS RVT 
  • Q&A Session


  • Box Lunch in the Exhibit Hall 
    (Separate fee required on SVU Registration Form)
  • OR Lunch with the Experts
    Sponsored by Unetixs Vascular
    (Separate fee required on SVU Registration Form)
    "Screening and Point of Care Examinations"
    Moderator: Michael Schwebler, MBA RVT FSVU
    • Kathy Ziegler. AS RVT
    • Speaker TBA
  • OR Student/Recent Graduate Luncheon 
    (No fee for students, but sign up at SVU Registration Desk)
    Moderators: Stephanie Wilson, BS RDMS RVT and Tricia Turner, BS RDMS RVT
    • Michelle Garcia, BS - Student Representative on the 2011 SVU Board
    • Bonnie August, AAS RVT - Former Student Representative on the 2008 SVU Board
    • Student Testimonials: "What is My Best Experience Thus Far"
  • OR Lunch on your own

Student Breakout Session

Sponsored by GE Healthcare
Moderator: Kathy Ziegler, AS RVT
  • Vascular Ultrasound Certification
    - Gwen Henderson - ARDMS
    - Aaron White, CAE - CCI
  • Connecting with Externship Locations: Maximizing the Experience
    - Bonita “Bonnie” August, AAS RVT
    - Stephanie Wilson, BS RDMS RVT
    - Tricia Turner, BS RDMS RVT
  • Job Interview Skills 
    - LeAnn Maupin, MEd RTR RVT FASA FSVU
  • Meet and Greet the Experts

Job Related Stress: Tell Me Where It Hurts

Moderator: Debbie Pirt, RVT FSVU
  • Working with You is Killing Me!
    (GI Distress) - George Berdejo, BA RVT FSVU
  • Healthcare Environment Pressure (Dizziness & Syncope) - Rita Shugart, RN RVT FSVU and Gina Witt, AS RDMS RVT RPhS
  • Business of Our Business: How to Expand! (Headache & Chest Pain)
    - JP Hughes, RVT RCVT RVS FSVU
  • The ICAVL Itch - Marge Hutchisson, RVT RDCS

SVU AC Awards Presentations

Awards Subcommittee
(SVU attendees move to the SVS meeting room)

SVS/SVU Joint Session on Hemodialysis Access

SVS: Alan Dietzek, MD
SVU: Gail Sandager-Hadley, RN RVT FSVU
  • Protocol Excellence in Pre-Operative Access Mapping - Kelly Byrnes, BS RVT
  • Case Examples: Duplex Findings that Influence Access Choice - Virginia Makeham, RVT
  • How to Decide on the Best Access for a Patient: Is Compliance with K/DOQI Guidelines Always Best? - Eric Peden, MD
  • How to Determine When an Access is Ready for Use and is Ongoing Surveillance Worth the Cost? - Cliff Sales, MD
  • Access Related Complications - Larry Scher, MD
  • What’s New in Hemodialysis Access and What’s on the Horizon - George Meier, MD
  • Q&A Session – All Presenters

SVU 35th Anniversary Annual Conference Celebration Reception

Gaylord National Hotel, Cherry Blossom Ballroom
Host: Judy Fried, Chair, SVU 35th Anniversary Committee

Kristen and myself can't wait to see everyone! It's going to be a blast : )

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