Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fun on the Harbor

Heeeellllooooo everybody!

I hope all of you are taking time to enjoy the beautiful scenes of National Harbor. After the first day of the conference ended, Mindy and I took a much deserved relaxing session at the pool. Once we regained our energy (we were so mentally drained from all the knowledge today), we took a stroll down to the Marina. As usual, we photographed our journey from here to there. I am sure most of you got to enjoy the same scenes we did, but for those of you who are not here to enjoy the you go!

Remember that yoga on the pier we told you about? Look at how beautiful and peaceful the view is....

Until the confused blogger stumbles upon the scene and disrupts the serenity...

Obviously I have been practicing my yoga for years now.

After a long workout on the harbor, we decided to treat ourselves to some delicious baked goods at Cake Love.

Mmmmm cake :-)

Mindy loved her Red Velvet Cupcake!

No better way to end the night then by enjoying the Piano Man and some drinks at Bobby McKeys!

Alright that is enough fun for this night. It is bed time for the two of us.

Good night!

- Kristen

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