Thursday, May 31, 2012

SVU Technical Showcase

Are you interested in the most recent advances in ultrasound technology?
Does knowledge that helps enhance your interpretation on ultrasound equipment intrigue you?
Are you a hands on learner who jumps at the opportunity to take part in a new scanning experience?
Do you like free breakfast?

If so, then make sure you stop by the SVU Technical Showcase being held on Friday June 8th from 7:00am to 9:00am. There will be a variety of Conference sponsors and vendors present who will be focusing on technological advances for their equipment. Each vendor will be giving a brief presentation focusing on features that enhances the technical or interpretational aspects their equipment. There will be a free continental breakfast for you to munch on while enjoying the vendors presentations.

Sponsors of the SVU Technical Showcase are: 


Following the presentations, there will be time to make your rounds to the various vendors to take part in observing, and perhaps even scanning, for some demonstrations. Saying that we all work with our hands every day, I feel confident in saying that this offers benefits to all of us! Even if your work environment doesn't currently have the technology presented, someday you may stumble upon an opportunity to use some of this equipment. What a great opportunity to impress your boss when you already know the tricks to the machine thanks to this showcase.

The world of vascular wouldn't be nearly as proficient without these companies and their technological goodies. Shoot, without them most of us wouldn't have a career. The showcase gives you the chance to mingle with the companies which provide you with what you need to keep doing a great job. It might just benefit to get to know some of the people on their end as well.

I think we all know how important the opportunity to learn and grow in this field is. I mean we all are attending a conference full of learning right? The technology of ultrasound is constantly advancing faster then most of us can keep up with. There are few opportunities available to catch up on the latest and greatest AND get hands on experience like the SVU Technical Showcase. So I will be expecting to see all of you getting hands deep in new technology bright and early on Friday!

Until next time,

- Kristen

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